"Your image rose in front of my eyes, young and beautiful, smelling so nice, and healthy and cheerful, smiling your shiny smile and your eyes–that yesterday were so deep, so wet, so good like a cold, clear spring on a hot summer's day, and little by little the quiet comfort returned to my heart."

– Letter from Avshalom Feinberg to Sarah Aaronsohn



"I thought a lot of you, my dear soul. I would love to try and connect with you a little, to submerge and dive deep–even if for just a moment–in your memory."

– Letter from Avshalom Feinberg to Sarah Aaronsohn



"Our dear one set off on his journey with his goodwill, knowing what danger he was putting himself in, however much we talk and however many tears we shed, our hearts will not be lightened. The disaster is truly great so why keep rubbing salt into your wounds."

– Letter from Sarah Aarnsohn to her sister, Rivka and her brother Alexander



"And if there were a few people who could understand me, there aren't many of them left. The dearest and most special one who knew and understood me so well is no longer with us. . . . I prefer not to speak of him, because the heart aches too much and silence, in this case, is a better cure than words."

– Letter from Sarah Aaronsohn to Liova Schneersohn